I screwed up - help

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • wwfc0

    ...personally, I would hold your hands up and take the shite on the chin - it may well work in your advantage - the industry is full of buck-passing gob shites - so your honesty and sincerity might well stand you in higher esteem with the client - I always respect 'honest' people more than the I'm alright Jack's the make their way through the day passing on everything other than the pat on the head!
    Small comfort - I f*ckd up many moons ago - massive print run of car stickers for a radio station (no names!) and even though the brief I was given was wrong - I went cap in hand to the MD of the agency who was demanding heads on plates - told him what had happened - it took him by suprise that I volunteered my head on the block and actually took my side and ripped seven shades of sh*t off the account team! - 15 years later I still get freelance gigs from him and have a really good working relationship.

    So fair play to you - if she wants rid of you - she will do it one way or t'other - do you really want to work with/for someone that is willing you to fuck up?

    • I hate to demean your response with a mere '+1', but you're so right, so that's what you get.Nairn

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