Juggling hookers

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • kona0

    My buddy and I kind of beat up a hooker one night... on accident.

    I’m sure I’ve told the story in here before but the quick synopsis...

    In Vegas many years ago and I’m passed out cold in our hotel room on one bed, and my friend Josh is passed out on the other. Out of no where our door busts open and slams into the wall of the hotel room with this loud crash waking us both up scared shitless. In an instant this large shadowy figure runs into the room. Before I could even get out of bed Josh is already up and mid-air in this incredible leap at the figure, like a cheetah I jump up and lung at the person. It all happened so fucking fast, I thought we were being robbed and were seconds away from being killed. He lands squarely on the person knocking it to the floor and as I’m just about to jump the person starts screaming... like a girl... it... IS a girl... too late, I’m mid-flight and my elbow lands with a solid blow to her midsection. More screams. This time even louder. The light comes on and it’s a scantily clad woman, we look to the door and our friend Steve is standing in the doorway with this completely stunned look on his face. We realize what’s going on (she’s a hooker) and Josh and I start laughing our asses off. We’d just tackled, one-punched and flying elbowed a hooker. So she goes off cussing up a storm and threatening to kill us all. She runs out and we’re all laughing our asses off. Then it dawns on us that we really need to get the hell out of that room before she comes back with her pimp and really kills us. So it’s a frantic dash to shove everything we had into our suitcases and bolt down the hallway to the nearest elevator. It’s like 5am and we’re telling the story to the young guy working behind the counter on why we need a new room and he’s hysterical with laughter. We musta told that story to half the staff that night as we’re trying to book another room... Steve was mortified as he had to stand there and keep raising his hand each time someone was like “So who got the fat hooker?”. Hahah. Oh man... I need to go to Vegas.

    Didn't mean to hijack your thread... hooker talk just got me going down memory lane.

    • that is the best story i've ever heard7point34
    • I see no juggling in this story...TheBlueOne
    • Great story for the weekJaline
    • the funniest part... when i landed my elbow it was this real squishy thud and she let out this deap "UHGHGGGH"kona
    • holy shit i'm in tears remembering the impact. hahahahahakona
    • EPIC! ;)megE
    • way to beat up a girlLlyod
    • that wasn't a hooker, that was me.Point5
    • The best part of the story is the first sentence. It's like the preface to a great novel, except a great train wreck.
    • i love that story.spendogg

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