WinXP installation . . .

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • honda0

    boot from the cd. go into bios and change the settings so it boots from the winXP disc. take a second to load, but once it does, choose to either 1. fix the preivous install or 2. install a fresh new install into a new folder directory. i would advise calling it "W" or something. deosn't really matter what you call it.

    settle down arlo. mac's crash. fuck the holier than thou crap. can't run outlook for 2sec's before osx locks up and my coworker had to return 3 - count 'em THREE ti books cause they would not boot. pump your brakes playa. they are computers. shit happens. there are plenty of users that have made the switch: apple BACK to pc. something about speed...

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