Specific work gripes

Out of context: Reply #47

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  • mikotondria30

    "Why is this taking 2 days" - said 24hrs after the start of the project, at 3pm...
    "It's taken 3 days to come up with those 3 logos ?" - Yes, yes it has. Let me show you screenshots from every 30 seconds and you'll see why what I've produced IS exactly the right logo for that client, and NO I don't care if they want a little diagram of exactly what their company does because they think thats what a logo IS. It's not a one-frame cartoon of what they do, and if they think that Im just going to sketch out THEIR idea of what they think they want, they've got another (very expensive) think coming.
    I don't stand over their shoulder while they build their farm machinery tutting and telling them the drive shaft needs to be more 'spinny', and that the corn should pop out of the top 'higher and faster', you know - to make it seem more 'corn processey', do I ?
    You'd quite simply tell me to fuck off, wouldnt you ? AND you wouldnt put up with me pissing and bitching about the price for your sodden corn processing piece of shit, would you. WOULD YOU?
    No you fucking wouldnt. I'd ask you do build me a corn processing machine, and you would tell me how much it was, and when it would be ready. You wouldn't even let me in the fucking factory to stand over your shouldler, or expect you to take pictures of how the building of this corn-processor was going and send them to me every day so that I could criticise how "I" thought it should be goind, despite ME being a graphic designer, and YOU being the cunt that I've actually PAID to do the JOB you are competent at, and have made a living doing quite happily until I came along with my half-assed ideas and fist full of used notes. Fuck you all.


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