Tales from the Strip...

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I have far too many, but here are two:


    There's this dumpy little strip bar in Yonkers NY we used to frequent. So one day, I open up my local paper to see that there was a murder in the place the night before, about an hour after we left. Sore loser in a pool game for money followed the winner into the men's room and then capped him in the skull while he was at the urinal. I call my buddy up, "Dude, did you read this in the paper about the guy getting killed?"

    "Yeah. Crazy shit."


    "So what do you wanna do tonite?"

    "Well, we could hit the strip bar?"

    "Dude, that's nuts! A guy fucking died there last night!"

    "I know. Can you think of a safer place to go?"


    "Huh. You're right."

    It was really creepy going to take a leak though.


    Dumpy strip bar in Stamford CT, 1994-ish. Sitting with my bud at a small table with a pitcher of beer, watching a couple of fine ladies make their rents. So in come a group of about six biker dudes. They grab some other tables up front, and one of them pretty soon starts making the lewd comments to one of the dancers. Words get exchanged. Then the biker dude reaches out and grabs dancer. Four bouncers descend on biker. Bikers gang up on bouncers. Full on bar brawl, straight out of the movies. Tables over turned, chairs breaking over guys backs. So my friend and I ran to the far wall, way out of the melee space, near the exit and watch this unfold. Just then I said "Oh shit dude - the pitcher of beer is still on our table!" Because we were both pretty hammered and this seemed to be the most vitally important thing at the moment. So my friend takes off through the melee, makes it to our table, grabs the pitcher - and then I swear my memory is like watching the Matrix here - he bobs and weaves through 12 guys fighting with the pitcher of beer above his head, contorting his body into all these weird shapes. He gets back to out wall. "Got it! Score!"

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