Canadian Politics con't

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • Fanco0

    during harper's previous government he made almost every issue a non-confidence vote. (meaninig if shot down, elections are automatically declared) and because the liberals were unorganised they were pretty much forced to vote in favour.

    this is a shady political tactic to pretty much do what you want while in a minority government.

    and then harper blamed the liberals and the minority for the government being inneficiant and calls an election by himself out of the blue. (read: wants a majority) but because of the genius of the electoral system and the voters themselves, they refused to give this intelligent man full power with a majority.... again.

    so harper tries the same tactic again. try to do what he wants. make it extremely right winged so the opposition parties cry fowl. he points at them and says : "see! they slow the process down" and then cuts back on the harcore right wing stuff he knew wouldnt pass to get what he really wanted to go through. but this time the opposition party said enough. screw you and your 80s hair cut.

    (i havent had coffee yet so i might of rambled a bit there... and too tired to check my spelling)

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