green + '09

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • mikotondria30

    A vegetarian driving a hummer produces less CO2 than a meat-eater driving a prius...
    I neither drive, nor eat meat, nor smoke, so I really reallly get pissed off when I'm nearly forced to buy those fucking mercury-containing fluorescent lightbulbs which claim to last 5 years, yet 3 have blown here in about 2 weeks, and if you break them then you're fucked as you have mercury vapour and droplets in your kids bedroom.
    Fuck that,

    Fuck anthropomorphic C02 modulated climate change, too - honestly I can't believe that is still the story of the day when the non-evidence is so widely available and so quick to obtain.
    Pollution and disproportionate distribution of clean water, enough food and healthcare is the ONLY 'greenness' we have an obligation to address.
    Oil will not 'run out', it is not immoral to produce vast quantities of CO2 to support your lifestyle, as long as that lifestyle includes a concious effort to stop the above injustices.
    Living a good life is not as simple as 'being green' according to the latest trends, and I am astounded at the amount of thinking that people allow other people to do for them - get edumacated, people and wake up.

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