No God bus.....

Out of context: Reply #24

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    kelpie, I hear you but the above is a derailment from my point regarding hypocrisy. What I was addressing is the inconsistency in what angers people, if the shoe was on the other foot, moth et al would have different reactions.

    I personally find most "Christian" advertising to be in poor taste. I think the Jesus fishes on cars are trite and crass, as well as bumper stickers like "my boss is a Jewish carpenter." But that is beside the point.

    I am not advocating by any stretch of the imagination for censorship. The atheists are free to advertise, and God bless them in that pursuit. But I maintain that there is nothing wrong with boycotting something as a matter of personal conviction/conscience.

    If my boss were to start working for Planned Parenthood, The Church of Scientology, or Dawkin's humanist group, I would submit my immediate resignation. That is not an act of censorship, but an act of personal conviction. If I were to stay an work on those projects, it would be at the very least an act of tacit endorsement. My boss would be free to work for the above organizations, but without my support.

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