No God bus.....

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Nairn0

    Whilst I don't actually respect his beliefs, I understand why the driver feels he has the right and would decide to not drive that bus. My problem is, as Kelpie has already stated, that this would not be acceptable behaviour for an atheist to engage in. We'd likely not hear about it in the press were it to happen for two reasons - Christian propaganda is simply accepted and there is comparatively no organisational coherence amongst atheists
    for such a story to get spread through.

    Incidentally, from what I've read (don't have the source to hand) Dawkins was against the form of this campaign as being at once too inflammatory and facetious.

    • he (dawkins) was actually against the word "probably" being included.pizzafire
    • I don't know, I just took my impression from what he actually said.Nairn

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