No God bus.....

Out of context: Reply #64

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  • gramme0

    'but I have always said that a religion should be judged by the quality of its Scripture, and the relatively few adherents who really live by them.'

    Pfft. Wow. You must believe that all gays are going to hell then. You a homophobe Gramme? You'd better fucking be or I'm going to call you a hypocrite."

    Moth, you unfortunately continue to misunderstand the fundamentals of Christianity. The Bible says that ALL have sinned, and that ALL have fallen short of the glory of God. This means that people who are guilty of lying, hypocrisy, slander, gossip, envy, murder, thinking about murder, adultery, thinking about adultery, the list goes on ad infinitum since people continually invent new methods of evil—all people, who do any or all of these things, have fallen short of perfection and thus are cursed by the law of sin and death. Cursed, unless freed by Christ. I am in no position to condemn someone for their lifestyle, because I have a litany of wrongs on my account as well. But, praise God, his righteousness has been credited to my account, and my unrighteousness has been absorbed by Christ's death, descent into hell, resurrection, and ascenscion into heaven.

    Christ came to live a perfect life and absorb the consequences of sin for any who believe in him, and that includes gay people as well as you and me.

    So no, I am not a homophone, in spite of the fact that I believe homosexuality to be wrong. I am not afraid of homosexuality, nor am I uncomfortable being around gay people. I also believe it is wrong to say slanderous things about gays, just as I believe it is wrong to be a racist.

    I believe gay people should be free to live as they see fit, but that doesn't mean I approve of the lifestyle. However, I believe it is possible to disagree with a person's decisions and still care for them, still respect them as a person.

    In the past I have had gay bosses and co-workers, and have always gotten along with them. I have been on friendly terms with every single one, even drinking beers together. I have never shoved my beliefs down their throats, and have never revealed my views on morality unless it came up in the course of cordial conversation; and even then, I have been careful to be careful and equitable, because there's no point in sacrificing a relationship just so I can tell people what I believe.

    Call me a hypocrite if you will, I couldn't care less because you do not listen when people explain what Christianity is really all about (how many times have we been through this?). You'd rather stick to your own definition. That's unfortunate.

    • haha, "homophone"? No clue what that is, sounds hilarious though ;)gramme
    • You have an irrational fear towards telephones.designbot
    • I DO! I freakin hate talking on the phone. Turns me into a shite driver, too.gramme
    • haha I hate talking on the phone too. I usually just don't answer my cell phone which always pisses people off :)designbot

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