No God bus.....

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • designbot0

    ^Precisely. It is a concept that is extremely tough to fit inside the human brain, I think because it is so contrary to the way we tend to act as humans. The idea that you cannot earn salvation. You cannot do anything to deserve it. And regardless of your position and what you have done, it can all be washed away. And most importantly that we all need it. Everyone has offended God, the gay issue is so minuscule that I don't see why it is constantly being brought up. Perhaps it is because people see one "Christian" with a "God hates Fags" sign....and they attribute this hate and Biblical-distortion to all Christians. This is just one small example, but it happens all the time with issue after issue. I am pretty sick of being misrepresented and the watered down distortion that most people see as "the Gospel".

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