No God bus.....

Out of context: Reply #71

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  • gramme0

    Moth, I agree that many, many people in the Church do not take God's word seriously. Like you, I don't take those people seriously, but at the same time I am not willing to throw out the baby with the bath water.

    However, at the other end of the spectrum from the liberal churches who dismantle the obvious, unavoidable claims of Scripture and over-emphasize our freedom in Christ (all while discrediting his sovereignty), there are the right-wing/fundamentalist/legali... churches. These are the ones who make mountains where God made molehills. These are the ones who think they can become holy by doing good things. They effectively ADD to the Bible when they say it's wrong to "drink, smoke, or go with girls who do." The ironic result is that they, like the liberals, end up discounting the power God's sovereign word by adding to it. They think they can actually do something to make the burden of sin lighter, which is to say that they don't take sin seriously enough.

    On either side, there is heresy, there are wolves in sheep's clothing. It's quite depressing and makes life more difficult for Christians who couldn't give a half-hearted shit about being liberal or conservative. The only thing that matters is the pursuit of orthodoxy, or to paraphrase Paul: I am called as a Christian to know and follow Christ, not St. Augustine, C. S. Lewis, or Jerry Falwell.

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