MacPro Vs. High End PC

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  • fusionpixel0

    my settings (all laptops)
    1 macbook (wife - facebook/myspace/email) never have problems
    1 macbook pro (me - work/freelance/fulltime/Adobe suite) never had problems except for the LCD light went out but Apple was fast to fix it.
    1 Toshiba satellite (gaming/browse web/Flash/PS/Coding) Never had problems except for a hd failure that I was able to fix quite fast. Every 4-6 months I reformat the hd just to clean the system.
    1 Gateway - browser, Never have problems but its really slow

    In the end never have problems with my systems and if I detect something I try to figure out right away how to fix it, but from now on I will only buy Macs. I am in the development biz and 99% of my clients use Mac so it is only logical that I have one available. I remember back in the day when I only had PC and it is a nightmare with fonts/file types and stuff.

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