blaw: new site

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • 30 Responses
  • Jaline0

    First off, your work is great.

    OK...let's start:
    - Grunge seems 90s, just like the music genre. Personally, I like grunge stuff and darker colours, but it would be more clean without the grunge in there. Or at least get rid of the bottom grunge graphic there. It seems to be in an awkward place, between the main content and the footer information.

    - There seems to be an awkward alignment issue. I realize that your header graphic (with your name) is on the top left, and it's probably best to align the portfolio image (to its right) to that header img, but I think it would be better aligned against the top of the navigation. Same with the image caption / description on the very right. The "older ____" link (on the top right) can be brought down, underneath the image. Align it to the left (since the "view images" link is on the right, underneath the image). See if that looks better.

    - Make the logo smaller, and the portfolio images larger. Think about making the description smaller too to fit more of the portfolio image.

    - Make your logo lead back to your home page.

    - I do like that Web2.0 black, glossy arrow button, I won't lie. But it doesn't go with the rest of it.

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