js remote script eh ?

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • mikotondria30

    ah, I generally brutalised my workflow, said fuck it, and included it in like the 'parent' document of a series of includes and templating set ups that I've got going..
    Bizarrely, I just pulled up the .js in a browser and it DIDNT have the function there, almost as if it had be bastardly caching it and ignoring my ftping... I added the function to the js, ftpd as normal, refreshed in the browser and there it was...
    Naturally it worked on the page, and I didnt get the error.
    I hate it when code - entirely written by me, seems to conspire to fuck me up and rob me of a good chunk of a friday afternoon when I should have nailed this thing by lunchtime.

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