We work for Bananas now?

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • Meeklo0

    It's like comparing a fast food burger vs a steak dinner.
    some people can't afford the second, or they just don't need it anyways, those were not going to spend the price of a steak anyways so I feel like you are not really loosing clients, Its just a way to bring design to a larger crowd, a first step, maybe they start there, and will learn the value of proper design and will hire a designer on the next project, maybe they won't, maybe they will ever consider it, and if that is the case, well you never lost a client then.

    I had people come to me to actually fill out their templates, cause they don't know how to do it, I always turn them down.
    They think that because they got the template done, now its going to be cake, and I explain to them that now I'm going to have to learn someone else's way to do a site in flash and that makes it twice as hard for me, so I will have to charge them the same amount of money that if they would hire me to do the entire project in the same place.

    It may sound like a dick move, but I really don't want to get involved on completing template, unless its really worth the time you know? That could be something negative from the situation.

    Now that they have the design, they hire a designer to fill out the pages by selling themselves out of their convictions just to earn a few bucks. Well, I will keep saying no for as long as I can afford it, what else can you do?

    • I totally agree... these companies are doing half the job for their witless clients.lukusW

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