Design your CV?

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • Scotch_Roman0

    Well of course you should design your resume, but since when must "design" always scream for attention and hamper legibility?

    Agree with others about PDF vs. Word. Don't design your resume in Word. Don't even make a Word version. If people want to copy/paste info, they can do it just as easily from a PDF.

    I think the focus for a designer's resume should be the clear, concise presentation of information, and excellent use of typography. You can quietly flex your design muscles in the use of small caps, OSF, etc., but only in a way that clarifies the information within.

    I've been guilty of over-design my resume in the past. Now I keep it very simple. A couple columns, clear logic in switching of type styles, no more than two typefaces and no more than two or three versions/weights of each (bold, italic etc.)

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