silverstripe cms

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • airey0

    not entirely true. EE is excellent but this whole attitude of one versus the other is ridiculous. it just reeks of self-justification.

    personally i used EE (through a developer) for this bigger site which has a few client's adding content:

    and then over the last few weeks have got this finally happening using wordpress:

    EE is fantastic but for small budget sites WP was easier and faster for me to have implemented.

    it's really a case of whatever solution you prefer but i honestly believe that you need to keep a few solutions in your arsenal. the idea of only using 1 product for everything seems limited to me. it also means that you've only got some much scope for budgets and therefore limits what work you can offer. maybe i'm just a much smaller fish and have smaller clients than others here.

    my 2cents.

    • + wp is massively extensible. EE is coming alone really well though as the user base grows (and fast)airey
    • and by alone i mean along.airey
    • Totally agree, many times we start from scratch and build bespoke CMS, You gotta be open to using the best CMS for the job... EE, WP, OSC,

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