why do people watch preachers?

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • airey0

    i'd like to raise a point here i thought of a while back. personally i don't understand the division between science and religion. i think that if you believe in god then you must believe that he/she/it created everything and science is the way we describe how it all works.

    so in science there's theoretical science. science based solely on theory based around both proven and supposed truths with a dash of pepper. string theory is probably one of the more popular theory's around at the moment (i tried to prove it myself with 7 balls of yarn and had to wait until the other half came home so i could get out of the chaos).

    what's god if not theoretical science?

    i have to add the caveat that i'm agnostic. call it fence sitting if you will but i live by the idea that i don't have a fucking clue and probably won't find out. i also believe that if there was an all encompassing divinity that actually gave a shite i wouldn't need to be given a brochure and buy a tshirt to prove it meaning that all religious businesses are irrelevant to me. i also see a big difference between the business of religion and people's personal beliefs. but who gives a fuckery what i think.

    just asking a question for people to have a crack at!

    • simple difference really, in science you ask questions, with faith you dont.robotron3k

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