site crit - thoughts

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • 12 Responses
  • Brian_Piper0

    I'll just comment on comp 1. I read above what your client requested and can understand this. But I don't think the imagery here as the way to go. I see: "newer" wooden background (which is seamed together poorly) on top of that "faked" antique paper wrapped on top and bottom with two strips of leather (where usage of the stamp tool is quite evident). Then I see a photo area above where the inside edge is clean and the outer edge seems like it's trying to be "retro". It contains a very "stocky" photo composed into yet another modern style of wood (this time the grain runs perpendicular now) where shadow has been added but this shadow somehow does not lie over the paper to the left of the laptop. Below this are three notes of laid paper stuck onto the antique paper by large black knobs (which look more like magnets to me but I'm assuming must be pushpins) with shadows moving in opposite directions (left to the left, right to the right) which is OK if the source of light comes directly from above, but then make sure the shadows on your "pushpins" follow this as well. Then on top of it all is HTML typography plus Facebook and Twitter logos. This look is possible to pull of, but make sure all the pieces make sense together. I'm afraid here you're using way too many things which used together don't hold water. Especially to a smart writer : )

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