Kev and Alice

Out of context: Reply #5

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    For me, its a breakthrough in gaming. Not only do you have characters making moral choices, but you have complicated reactions going on between contradictions in their personalities and social/familial structures. Its not cookie-cutter anymore

    I also think he’s trying to shed light on the complexity of homelessness and to do a social experiment. Interesting to think, even in a game, is it possible to get out of this cycle?

    • I was a sociology major in college and this stuff absolutely fascinates me. Too bad my white 24" iMac barely meets the minimum requirements to playmonospaced
    • minimum hardware requirements to play this game.monospaced
    • really? I dont have it either... but this game makes me want to try it. Recently messed around with Fable 2 and the Good/Badidentity
    • scenarios within it - but this game seems to take a more realistic approach and to a whole NEW levelidentity

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