OSX on a G3?

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  • pascii0

    schtjene, from my macusergroup ->

    It works! Once I installed it on a 350 MHz iMac with just 256 MB RAM (but it wasn't very fast) n/t - paddypatrick am 08.10.2003 um 15:57 Uhr

    should work - but forget about fast photoshot et al. office, mail and so is useable! n/t - Peter K. Sanner am 08.10.2003 um 15:57 Uhr

    it works, but more ram is needed for better speed n/t - Rob. am 08.10.2003 um 15:59 Uhr

    This incredible English lesson was presented by macnews.de n/t - paddypatrick am 08.10.2003 um 16:01 Uhr

    It works very neat on my G3 500 and 640 MB RAM and a quick graphic chip. n/t - kumi am 08.10.2003 um 16:02 Uhr

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