Gran Torino

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • shitehawke0

    If Clint thought this was a good film and oscar-worthy then its definitely time to retire. Is the reason it got such good reviews the fact that 'oh, clint is really old, and look in the film- he's playing an old bloke! Fuck, me, how very un-stereotypical! Oscar!'

    The supporting cast are all carved from fucking oak, the priest and the young lad especially, neither one should be actors for fuck sake. Clint scowls and mumbles his way through saying shit like 'Ive more in common with these people than my own family...grrr'. Well fucking spotted Clint, thanks for telling me that cos I was having trouble following the already well signposted film. Is there any chance I could have subtitles too, in case I get lost again?

    Fuck me. Terrible, terrible film.

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