Out of context: Reply #31

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  • harlequino0

    One of the things to point out about any Thelema based or Magick based streams of thought, is that they generally recognize themselves as only being one of any number of paradigms through which to focus thought, intent, or other energy. Phil Kline, who writes about this from the Chaos Magick angle (which is kind of like the punk rock of the Thelema world) said that hey - you can look at the world through the lens of science, religion or whatever kind of morality or world explanation you want. It's still just a lens, as all this is. These people choose to use because it frequently tends to work. And, to be honest, it's more fun, and pisses off fundamentalists of other creeds.
    Point is, people involved in it, never take themselves to seriously. At least not the ones I know.

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