Out of context: Reply #41

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  • francoisfido0

    "Re-enacting rituals written by another will make you an actor in a drama, nothing more. A distinction needs to be made here: some rituals - such as those of certain tribal mysteries, or of the Christian Church, or those which Crowley wrote for the Ordo Templi Orientis before its reorganisation and realignment with the Stellar Gnosis - are pure dramas. They are mnemonic devices for the communication of knowledge, not Gnosis. They serve the same function as fairy tales and folklore. Gnosis comes from one's own personal experience, one's own rituals. It is not conferred on one, like the bite of a werewolf; nor can it be purchased in a phony 'initiation' ceremony. True initiation is only ever earned, never bought; and this earning takes place only after one's own creativity has been brought into play. For this to happen, the Imagination needs to be accessed. It is the function of creative occultism to stimulate this, as when an artist paints something never seen before. The result is a transformation of consciousness in all those exposed to the stimulation; suddenly, something that was impossible becomes possible."

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