Out of context: Reply #58

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  • son0

    "... I am not in a position to affirm that Paschal Beverly Randolph produced the first putative Order of the Rosy Cross in America, but I have failed to trace anything anterior to his date, and he will answer as the first witness in a line of occult adventurers who are typically characteristic of their place and circumstance."

    A.E. Waite

    "What seems to be clear beyond a doubt is Randolph’s great originality and status as the vehicle for sex to (re?)enter the esoteric field. But once a person gets the mere idea (and what an initiation that must have been in the 19th century!), they may well develop theoretically and practically on their own. It is the conceptual bringing together of sex and spiritual development, which the Church had so separated, that is the spark that lights the fuse..."


    "Remember O Neophyte... that I am not dealing in mere philosophical formulae, ‘recipes,’ or trashy ‘directions,’ but in, and with fundamental principles, underlying all being. Fix this principle firmly in your memory, and roll it under the tongue of your clearest understanding; take it in the stomach of your spirit; digest it well, and assimilate its quintessence to, and with, your own soul. That principle is formulated thus: LOVE LIETH AT THE FOUNDATION (of all that is); and Love is convertibly passion; enthusiasm; affection; heat; fire; soul God. Master that."

    P.B. Randolph

    Dr. P. B. Randolph is either the author or the key Western transmitter of the core magical teaching of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Either way, the only thing remarkable at this point is why his name did not appear initially among the list of Saints read out in The Gnostic Mass. His elevation to the Order of the Lion by U.S. Grand Lodge of the OTO has done much to redress this omission. His contributions to the core teaching of the Western Magical Tradition are difficult to measure but very substantial--essential, in fact.

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