Co-worker annoying habits

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • josimar0

    ok, I'm seeking some advice here as I'm in a quandary whether to say something or bite my tongue!... there's a guy in my office who coughs and hiccups (sometimes together) in a very annoying... i-don't-give-a-fuck-i'm-actually... kinda way every afternoon (after his incessant two bagel home-made lunch). He's wearing headphones while he does it which obviously makes the effect louder as he probably doesn't quite know how loud he is being but it is annoying everybody within 20 metres of him, about 10 folk have commented on this already. Problem is, the guy is a full-on nerd and I think he knows nobody likes him, and he has already spent time away from my workplace due to 'bullying' from staff members!!!! (not me I might add) so he obviously prone to any personal comments... what the fuck can I do to shut the wee prick up?

    • how about you just talk to him?scarabin
    • are you ghey?
      haha, sorry, actually very good advice... it's very complicated but there is some potential in your suggestion!! thanks!
    • ...your suggestion!! thanks!josimar

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