
Out of context: Reply #21

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  • graphiknature0

    FrontPage(LOL) --> Dreamweaver(used this trash for a month)> BBedit(been using since 2004) now everyone wants me to try coda or TextMate. I started using CssEdit about 2 months ago. it definitely makes everything easier/faster, but for mark-up I feel BBedit is all I need. I read a few comparisons between BBedit, TextMate, and Coda but I'm front end and don't really see how any of them are going to make life significantly easier/faster. What are the main things that draws you to Coda? Is it really worth learning a new app?

    • Been hand coding this whole time too so WYSWYG doesn't really appeal to me.graphiknature
    • Coda's not really WYSIWYG, though it does have a preview window. I personally like Taco, go figure.Point5

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