Actionscript classes (school) in NYC

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  • juskin0

    hey Cybrain did you get everything working yesterday? sorry I wasnt able to open the files and a take a further look, there expensive but try the lost actionscript weekend movies, they go nice and easy into full fledged AS3 object oriented programming...…

    now here something to consider when learning this stuff, most AS3 learning material kinda expects you to already know, or atleast understand basic operations and functionality within the actionscript language, like how to lets say loop thru an XML document, find out how many nodes there are, create movieclips for each, and place them on the stage 20 pixels apart. That kinda stuff transcends actionscript 1-3. I know people who still code in AS2 and create some very complex stuff, so it sounds like you need to go over all of the features of actionscript which I feel alot os AS3 stuff doesnt touch upon. I have recently bought a few cheap AS2 books on amazon that show real world examples, then I try to figure out how to port them over to AS3.

    • Yeah, I have all my buttons working so far and have them triggering Tweenlite too. Thanks.CyBrain

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