Side Business

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • showpony0

    sorry to be cryptic here, but i'm very close to a big launch, so i kind of need to play it close to the chest for the time being ;)

    that being said, i have a few thoughts. not to say that apparel/sticker/prints couldn't work, but my gut is that they're a little too done. what i realized is that graphic design is usually a means to someone else's end. we, as designers, can use our understanding of design, branding, positioning, culture etc., to develop almost anything, not just graphic design related goods (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    i see so many companies who are good companies, but refuse to take proper business and design advice, and as a result, they struggle. i think there are a lot of possibilities around this thinking... i have a few projects in mind around this mindset.

    for what it's worth, i work between 45-65 as an art director, and then about 10-20 on this side business. once i'm past this initial phase, i'm thinking that it's going to be about a 10 hour/week endevour, but we'll see.

    vitamins, did you have anything specific in mind?

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