New Desktop PC/Mac

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  • fyoucher10

    I've got both a Dell Workstation and a new MacBookPro to compare with...

    Honestly, if I were you I'd go Mac. No matter how great a PC you get, Windows OS still is crap. It's the reason why I switched. Loving every second using this Mac. Things just 'work' and everything is easier. I'd suggest getting a laptop and an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The option of portability is great. Desktops are old news and unless you're harnessing the full power of say...a MacPro for really complicated shit for NASA or Pixar (not Photoshop), then get something not as crazy or expensive.

    The Dell worked okay when I had XP installed but then Vista came out and all the expensive (extremely expensive) hardware that I bought works like poop on the new OS. It 'works' but lets just say this system costs twice as much as the MBP and the MBP works twice as fast. Plus, Windows has so many bugs with it and so many other issues you have to deal with. On top of that, Dell service is shit now, even with the small business plan.

    (Also, supposedly a new or updated iMac is coming out really soon, so you may want to hold off for a bit if you wanted to go that route)

    • You might be surprised with WIndows 7, it is quite good. I think it gives OSX some good competition.designbot
    • OSX is really solid but has it's nuances too. Guess it boils down to preference.designbot
    • I think my last straw with MS was Vista. XP was never great either, it just sorta worked after SP2.fyoucher1
    • Where did u hear the new imac's were being released soon? Was thinking of getting one but might wait if they come out in the next month or so.fryday

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