
Out of context: Reply #48

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    today i saw her walking again. and just like yesterday she stroked her hair when she looked down the street to cross it. black leather boots, and i sat there wondering what animal was wearing it before, and would that animal be just as repetitive as this annoying unattractive young woman in her daily moves? the fact that i am staring at her and that there is nothing else to stare at is bad enough! But christ! I gotta have something to write in my blog so that you can all read it and comment on it! Also I must say there might be a problem with my comments system since you all, dear readers, couldn't post until now. since april 2000, when i started this blog i haven't got a single comment.
    anyway i discovered i am wearing the exact same pair of socks as exactly one week ago, and what is more, i also wear the same shirt as exactly one week ago. i will post a picture soon. well, dear blog readers, i have to dissapoint you now since i have more important matters to do now such as putting outside the garbage and washing socks. but no worries, i will be back tomorrow with more drama and intelligent analysis of my adventurous daily life!

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