Tainted Creative Process

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • exador10

    I remember a very long time ago at an ad agency i was working for, myself and the creative director were working on an ad for Lever Ponds..can't remember which brand..doesn't matter....
    anyhow, I recall that his was insanely clever, smart, and basically the perfect ad. was on point strategically and looked great.

    I on the other hand, being young and still learning the ropes in many ways, whipped up a photoshop nightmare loosely based around the brand logo and some collage-y type of effects...nothing very well thought out.
    Mine was overwhelmingly chosen by the client.

    at first i was pretty happy...on top of the world. but when i had a chance to really compare the two back at the office, i recall chatting with the creative director (one of the best guys i've ever worked with) and said 'sorry dude....they should have picked yours'

    yeah, he said....they should have....
    but....they didn't ....so congrats and let me buy you a beer at lunch and i'll explain why they chose yours, and how next time we'll make sure you present something a bit better....you pulled that one out of your ass didn't you..lol'
    I admited i had, and we had a good laugh, and i spent the next 2 years learning to be a better art-director.

    • haha, great, you pulled it out of your ass.jimzyk
    • good story, sounds like an awesome CDacrossthesea
    • Yeah. great story, that's a good person to work for/with.Gucci
    • at least he bought you a beer instead of bitching about you on QBN like a fucking pussymonospaced

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