Best way to learn CSS?

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • ETM0

    I find the biggest problem when designers want to switch to CSS is that they immediately want to create large complex layouts like they did previously with tables etc.

    The best way is just to start really basic and build on it once you get comfortable. Start by getting the most basic, header, left nav and right content layout working. Play around with it.

    When you're good with that, start positioning elements (divs, images etc.) with floats. Play with the values and see (understand) the results. You have to start with the basics or you will always be overwhelmed. You don't build a house without learning how to even frame a wall.

    Also, while learning, add a unique background color to every div while you are laying things out. It will help you identify what is messing things up when things go wonky. Pretty soon when the foundation is solid, and you can create these basics without referencing anything, you'll have the understanding to start wrapping your head around bigger concepts.

    • everything after ETM is subjectively questionable in this post.version3

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