Clients from HELL!!!

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • theredmasque0

    Client's Secretary: "can you put our website on a disc for us so that my boss can look at it when he goes on a business trip next week?"

    Me: "Can he not look at it on the web?"

    Secretary: "You can see our website all over the world?"

    (To be fair, this particular client, and his secretary, were both old, and obviously not up to date with technology).

    They still made me put the website on a disc anyway (even though they had access to the site files themselves), and then got annoyed because the files were not arranged by Page 1, page 2 etc. I tried to explain that the files on the disc are alphabetized by the name of the file and that there is no such thing as "page 1" or "page 2" on a website (other than the index page being page 1). Boss finally got on the phone with me to take me to task for not doing what they wanted.

    Same guy wanted to know why they had to pay me "when the kids can do it for free".

    The scary thing is this guy was a doctor. He also had photos of some of his patients on the site (like nude medical photos of cancer patients and their CT Scans) that I am pretty sure the people or their families would NOT want online. Granted these were older photos (mostly from the 70s or older) but still!

    The website was atrocious as he didn't want to pay to have it redesigned (I think it was originally designed in word and converted to html) so all I ended up doing for him was adding copy changes and other smaller changes. At this point though, I was glad as I really didn't want to be associated with this guy in case he got sued by former patients....

    • You should have let them know that the Internet is on computers now.ETM

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