Joe Strummer

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Horp0

    Punk was good for a brief while, but you make a mistake if you consider The Clash as a definitive punk band. The Clash were a rock band riding the music industry's commercial exploitation of punk. They were a commercial exploitation of a working class rebellion. They just liked the aesthetic and could muster leftist attitude and their moms and dads all had good middle class jobs and could afford to buy them some manufactured punk gear from Nelson House. Precocious little darlings.

    The Clash were known as the only band that matters, a title created and bandied about by their record label... branding, in other words. It doesn't get much more unpunk than that. Bear in mind this was the late 70's so comparisons to the record industry today don't hold much water.

    As for Jet Black, you have a good point, but Jet Black was as hard as fuck and beat the shit out of members of The Clash on one or two occasions, and he got his name as an early teen. It was given to him by people in his neighbourhood who knew him... he didn't sit in his bedroom dreaming it up to sound cool.

    • well putprevious
    • to be fair, any punk band that gained any mainstream success by definition no longer is punk7point34
    • but that doesn't mean they necessarily made bad music.7point34
    • Why do so many people hold a bias against a band just for being famous? I guess Chuck Berry sucked too.CyBrain
    • I'm not against them for being famous, I'm against them for being culturally fallacious and duping the weak minded.Horp

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