table vs. divs - confusion

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  • lukus_W0

    A long time ago, the web was full of blinking text, in-construction animated gifs and simple hyperlinked pages. CSS didn't exist (or at least wasn't well supported) and web pages were very very basic.

    Once the web started to become commercial, more advanced and slick looking layouts were required. The problem was, there wasn't a decent way of achieving this as browser technology was still in it's infancy. So, to achieve what was required, a lot of web designer's decided to think laterally, and (mis)use the '<table>' element to achieve a decent way of laying out content.

    This provided a good temporary fix for many years, but then CSS2 started to gain ground and better ways of styling a page emerged.

    There are many, many reasons for not using tables. Probably most important (to those who make sites for money) is the likelihood that you'll be seen as an amateur if you do.

    * Use tables when you have tabular content to display.
    * If you need to lay things out use divs + css.… is a good link for learning the basics.

    • thanks! bookmarked that from you in another post - now going to read:)alicetheblue

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