Jason Tozer by Build

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • detritus0

    I'm kind of fed up with the fad of self-indulgent irony in these flavours of design - the gushing of old school H-tag text in the background looks (to my humble eyes) naff and, more importantly, it distracts from the functionality. An important consideration when dealing with two distinct navigation mechanics between index and content pages, one of which (the conversational form on the index page) is 'non-standard'.

    I guess it's a cool site for cool cats, and isn't meant for the types of people who, I imagine, would take one look at it and write it off. If only we were all able to be so confident with our potential clients. I guess I'm jealous that I'm not able to be quite so self-referencing.

    What really irks is footer branding -
    "Designed in Build - Built by Kleber - Using Wordpress"? I'm sure that a site of this size really only needs two of those references, or are we entering an age of branded designer sites now? "Hey man, I bought this site on Carnaby Street - wanna do violence?"

    Still, I'm not overly critting - it serves its purpose well and Kleber and Build are beyond question in my tiny, compliant mind.

    • Whats wrong with a design/development credit on a site?ximeraLabs
    • When the dev appears to consist of flidding around with a WP install? I don't know, what do you think?detritus
    • Well, its not 'just a WP install'.ximeraLabs
    • Quite a literal chap, aren't you?detritus
    • hehejanne76

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