tanning bed

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • mg330

    It's this age in life - I'm 32 - when I'm already in the "damn I regret that" mode about certain things, as well as "should I cut X out of my life now to prevent problems later?" I mean the tanning bed? What the hell was I thinking? I mean, a tan looks good, but who cares? I'd rather just get a decent one on a vacation while wearing sunscreen than go through all the harm.

    I'm not a heavy drinker or anything, but I occasionally have the thought to just give up alcohol. I've never smoked cigarettes, but smoked cigars and specifically Black & Mild pipe tobacco cigars in high school and college.

    Back to the tanning - if any of you have a ton of moles and you're late 20s / early 30s, get them looked at by a dermatologist. Never done that myself but getting them looked at from head to toe is a great way to be proactive towards potential skin cancer later in life.

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