Web FontFonts

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • 8 Responses
  • Typographica0

    > FF DIN looks like fucking Arial under 16px

    What page are you looking at and in what browser?

    > doesn't work in most browsers

    That's a strange statement given that Web FontFonts work in IE and Firefox 3.6. And Safari and Chrome via Typekit. What are the "most browsers" you refer to?

    > bad (well not mine at least) choices for the features that are left in the fonts

    OSF would be nice, yes, but web designers would be far more upset if they didn't have access to the lining figures. That's why OSF are optional in the Small Caps. Believe me, I'd rather see all figure styles remain, but this is a limitation of CSS, not the fonts. Fortunately OT features are in the CSS3 font module and Mozilla plans to support them. Other browsers should too. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/…

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