Client Approval Process

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • 26 Responses
  • idiots0

    don't get me wrong, they are informed, but not overly so as i hold their hand explaining why i am going from one step or thought to the next. i'd rather display a working comp with page styles for a real experience instead of asking them to imagine (what am i getting paid for again)

    and if you refer to my car analogy as getting fleeced, wake up, my point is yeah, ok the drive shaft broke, that banged some other stuff and fucked up the yoke on the rear end... just fix it. i don't need to know how you'll take it apart and put it back together, i trust you can, you're a mechanic....

    ok so you're going to wash my hair, then trim up the sides, then adjust the top length, fade the sides and back into the top and then buzz trim the edges?

    who fucking cares!? just cut my hair

    i hope you get it.

    quite simply, if you could have designed a simple mock comp of size, dimension, and color but instead gave your clients black border boxes you're wasting both their time and money

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