Strategic partnership with a London web development agency

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Kidswift0

    Thanks for your feedback Stewdio and its not as though I posted this not expecting to get a rant back like this (all due respect). We have already done the thinking but yes need help with execution. We are in a interesting position where we are being invited into some amazing projects because we are working in sphere of making ethics tangible. We have the networks and strategy but yes need a partner to provide delivery. I don't want to go on as I feel like you may be seeing this along the same way as this pie chart guy.… but did also want to get a sense of if people had embarked on a partnership like this in London where it had worked for both parties. I am also saying this from a standpoint that I have seen first hand proof of this working in LA with another company we are involved with. Cheers

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