Attacking Adobe.

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • Gucci0

    I think you are misinterpreting the statement:

    "must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine."

    "Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited."

    I don't believe that the second statement has anything to do with programming language, just API calls, which indicates that you can't write a helper class or helper API of your own to call the native APIs. A common programming practice when dealing with particularly complex APIs is to use what is called a framework. Perhaps the most known framework for programming now is Rails (notorious would be a better word). Rails is not a programming language, Ruby is a programming language. Rails is a framework that makes programming in Ruby easier by using a helper function that does a lot of the work for you.

    Instead of (for example) connecting to the database, writing a MySQL query, initiating the query command, checking the status of the result, and then stepping through the result, Rails lets a ruby programmer say "Get this from the database" and Rails does the rest of it automatically.

    Some developers for iPhone have been working to create helper classes that simplifies common tasks on the iPhone, and have been hoping to distribute these classes to other developers to help them along.

    As far as Adobe's Flash Packager is concerned. When the packager is done, the output is Objective C code that can be interpreted, the tricky word is "originally" which I'm sure is what tripped your concern. But I don't think either statement necessary precludes a code generator, which is what you can consider the Flash Packager or Unity Pro to be, a code generator that generates Objective C code.

    via… (comment 13)

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