I'm with Adobe

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • fyoucher10

    I'm sooo tired of people saying "Make a list of Flash sites you can live without". Flash is for multimedia, it can also do a lot of other things, like make sites, have dynamic content....and its great for marketing and advertising.

    Marketing and advertising is BIG business just in case you didn't know.

    How about this. Name a marketing or advertising site you can't live without. Most likely there isn't none! Because those "sites you can't live without" are typically informational sites. Sites that you go to to get information. Unless you have a closed mind, the web has more uses than just informational sites. Wait until it becomes common for you to access the internet through your TV! Marketing and advertising on the internet will be even crazier than it is now.

    Let's be honest, CSS and jQuery can't do half of the animated effects Flash can do. You can't even do the simplest of animations with those. They're not anywhere NEAR as multimedia capable as Flash is. And until an IDE comes out that will produce vector animations, Flash will always be here. Even then, they'll be years or even decades behind Flash.

    I'm finding that the people who are knocking Flash, are those folks who never bothered to learn it and were stuck in the back of the room for the past 10 years and am just looking for a reason to dislike it.

    • someone needs to do their homework. look up css animations in google...m'kay?kpl
    • ...there isn't any.

      Sorry Engrish is a bit rusty today..
    • Pleeeease CSS animations are shit.fyoucher1
    • and well, i make my living in flash right now. Trying desperately to make my living in HTML5 instead however.kpl
    • "can't do the simplest animations with those." you have no idea.kpl
    • Is this what you're talking about? Ha!
    • http://blog.optimum7…Pixter
    • What an SUPER NICE ANIMATIONPixter
    • Quake 2 in Webkit/HTML5. http://code.google.c… ha!kpl
    • lol....fyoucher1
    • Years behind man, years behind.fyoucher1
    • Run flash swfs with pure javascript. http://paulirish.com… ha!kpl
    • http://raphaeljs.com…ukit
    • kpl, the walker didn't work in my browser, and the last examples you posted are pathetic.pr2
    • they're not pathetic if you understand the technology involved. JS performance in browsers is on pace to overtake AS3.kpl
    • ...Flash's AS3 VM.kpl
    • Horrible links so far. I'm not knocking CSS either. When it does become easy to do animation in CSS, I'll be all over it.fyoucher1
    • ..itfyoucher1
    • The links prove the basics and potential are there. The future is coming, go get your sunglasses.kpl

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