Clients from HELL!!!

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • pizzafire0

    haha ... this one's a Client from "Heaven"…

    Client: ”Obviously we need the site to be deeply spiritual. The use of a cross is obvious and although perhaps over-used we would like to go with that... Also perhaps some Saints, figurines... You get the idea?”

    Designer: ”Do you have any specific Saint’s in mind?”

    Client: ”No, just run with it... after all we all worship the same god right?”

    Designer: ”Actually no, I am atheist. Is this a problem?”

    Client: ”Oh, erm, you´re one of THEM are you? Hmm that is a problem... people who abandon the word of god are in league with the Devil, and if you designed our site... well, it would make it sinful, a place of deception... No... erm, maybe you would like to discuss your hatred of God? Then perhaps I could convince you of the true path.”

    Designer: ”I cannot hate something which does not exist.”

    Client: ”I see. No, we need a designer who know, not in league with the devil.”

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