Nigerian spammer caught

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  • trooperbill0

    we get nigerians calling every day using fake credit cards to try and buy our stuff... you can always tell theyre scammers because:
    * they sound nigerian
    * they use a different delivery address to the card holders address
    * they always give instruction to 'call 10 mins before the van arrives so i can be there to collect'

    in the past 12 months weve caught 99% of this and we even use services like to try and find the cardholders phone number to tell them their cards been stolen.

    its a shame the police dont do anything about it as this kind of crime would be easy to shut down using a sting operation i.e. when the fan turns up out jump the police.... but theyre just not interested.

    • they don't stop it because it's extremely profitable for bringing money into their country.lambsy

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