MediaTemple / hosting

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • ukit0

    Well I have a Mediatemple account and have not encountered the same kinds of issues people mention. In fact I have tried a lot of hosting companies over the past year and my conclusion is that there are an amazing number of shitty hosting companies out there. MT is actually one of the better ones, for people that don't want to have do learn a lot of technical configuration type stuff.

    Having said that, if you like the DIY approach I would heartily recommend I've been building Django based sites on a couple of their boxes and, considering all they really do is give you a server to play around on, I can't complain.

    Speed and performance is impressive, I've never seen a single reliability issue over the past few months that I've been there, customer service - well who knows, I've never needed to contact them about anything. Not that I've never had any issues, but they were all the product of me trying to figure something out rather than the company itself;)

    Slicehost has a great reputation as well and I've hosted on there too and its a very similar experience. Linode is slightly cheaper, so that at the low end of their offerings you can get a 256MB account with 10GB storage, 150GB transfer on Slicehost, versus a 360MB w/ 16GB storage, 200GB transfer on Linode - and that difference scales all the way through their offerings. Having said that they are both great options, probably the best outside of the more expensive stuff.

    On the other hand, if you want to develop in Ruby on Rails and nothing else, a totally different approach could be

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