
Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Point50

    Midi-chlorians were intelligent microscopic life-forms that served as organelles within all living cells, existing in a symbiotic relationship with the beings they inhabited and comprising a collective consciousness amongst themselves. Present in all life, midi-chlorians were isomorphic on every world that supported life. Midi-chlorians, in fact, were necessary for life to exist. They also allowed for a connection with the pervasive energy field known as the Force; in sufficient numbers, midi-chlorians could allow their symbiont organism to detect the Force, and this connection could be strengthened by quieting one's mind, allowing the midi-chlorians to "speak" to their symbiont and communicate the will of the Force. Counts as low as 2,000 midi-chlorians per cell provided no sensitivity to the Force; an average Human had less than 2,500 per cell, while a mildly Force-sensitive being such as Nova Stihl had a count in excess of 5,000. Jedi had especially high midi-chlorian counts, and of them Anakin Skywalker was said to have the highest ever recorded at over 20,000, even higher than the powerful Jedi Master Yoda. Though Skywalker later lost a good deal of his organic body, his cells continued to teem with midi-chlorians.

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