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Out of context: Reply #11

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  • ukit0

    I wonder if this would be the right time for Apple to introduce a new lower cost, mass market computer now that they have all this momentum from iPhone, iPad, etc...

    I think a lot of people who are not techies are starting to view Apple as a more viable choice but it might be a little out of their price range. Also something like 65% of the world's computers still run Windows XP. So they will be upgrading to something in the next couple years, huge opportunity there.

    • no way, part of the marketing attractive is that is more "expensive" hence "I'm better than you" attitudeMiguex
    • "Macs. Better than Miguex." - Steve Jobskpl
    • hahahaMiguex
    • Aren't mac minis the "lower cost" option?Pixter
    • Not user friendlyukit
    • Remember the original iMac, it was targeted at the mass marketukit
    • Yeah. What features would you strip away to justify the price drop? Not much can be done that won't de-lustre other lines.Gucci
    • ukit... this is why Steve Jobs is rich and runs a huge company and you don'tPIZZA

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