Daily Alcohol Intake?

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • mikotondria30

    That's a fair amount mate, every day, all day - you'll only know if it's too much too frequently for you when there's a problem. You might be lucky, some people can drink like that and not show ill effects. Other people, the first they know about it is some irreversible liver complaint or finding their 'taste' increases to a half bottle a day. Then a few beers, maybe. Not a problem. Sure.
    Spirits are carcinogenic, and always having some sloshing around your mouth and gullet makes you susceptible to some nasty cancers that show no signs before they erupt and leave you with a hole in your face or neck if you're lucky, and on a slab if you're not.
    It's only booze, bitter, heady burning liquid that makes things slightly more fun for a couple of hours, make a bar tolerable, or other people more interesting, it's not something worth developing a habit over that can damage your health or your relationships.
    It's not a huge amount considering what many people drink with varying degrees of functionality, but if you can do without it everyday, do without it, if you can't, find a way you can.
    What a nagging, small-minded idiot I must sound - mm, not bothered - if you worked for me and I knew you kept sipping at a flask all day, every day, you'd be out the door, cause the 10 year forecast wouldn't be good. Just pack it in, and drink normally - a few drinks at the weekend, no more than 10 units, not every weekend.

    • i'm not worried about my own consumption as 2 oz is just slightly larger than one shot... docs recommend two drinks a day or so...scarabin
    • day or so? mostly just curious what others are doing :) i hear ya thoughscarabin
    • right, right - the 21 units a week was just totally arbitrary. Don't mean to be preachy, I just care :(
      Dont sweat it. Bests to you :)

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